The E-Bike Diaries

Abancay to Huaraz

/ Peru

A statue of Christ above the town of Huancarama.
Entering the town of Ayacucho on the 15th of April my 45th birthday. The day also marked 7000 Km and exactly 4 month since the beginning of the eBike diaries journey.
Potato Harvest: According to the International potato center more than 4,000 varieties of native potatoes grow in the Andean highlands of Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. Selected over centuries for their taste, texture, shape and color, these potato varieties are very well adapted to the harsh conditions that prevail in the high Andes, at altitudes ranging from 3,500 to 4,200 meters.

A carwash advertising placard invariably involves a half naked woman, here near the town of Huancayo.
Farmer Josefino ploughing his field
Dry stones are used to build corrals for sheep above the town of San Pedro de Cajas.
A monument dedicated to the Maca root in the town of Huayre. Maca root (Lepidium meyenii) has many health benefits. Maca is often termed as Peruvian Ginseng due to its natural stimulating qualities that are similar to the benefits found in the commonly known ginseng-related herbs. Most exports go to China.
Between Huancapallac and Chavinillo the road passes by the Corona del Inca at 4000 meters.
Alex Kornhuber on the FLYER passing trough the Huascaran national park where the Puya Raimondi, the largest species of bromeliad known can be seen. It reaches 3 m tall in vegetative growth with a flower spike 9 to 10 m tall.
The half cloud covered mighty Huascaran 6778 meters at sunset